Minnesota Guardians and Conservators
Attorney Gary C. Dahle has been helping clients with Minnesota Guardianships and Minnesota Conservatorships since 1992 – in Anoka County, Hennepin County, Ramsey County, and Washington County, in the State of Minnesota.
Minnesota Guardianships
Has an adult family member lost the ability to make good personal decisions for himself or herself?
Did such family member fail to sign a health care directive while they still had the capacity to do so?
Do you have a mentally challenged minor child in your family who is about to reach the age of 18?
If so, such family member may need to have a Minnesota court appoint you as his or her guardian in a Minnesota guardianship proceeding – to empower you to make certain decisions for such family member.
Parental Appointment of a Guardian
Do you have a minor child in your family for whom you would like to nominate a responsible person to care for your child in the event that you are no longer available to do so?
You have the right to make a parental appointment of a guardian.
Temporary Delegation of Parental Rights
Do you have a minor child in your family for whom you would like to nominate a responsible person to temporarily care for your child while you are traveling or otherwise unavailable?
You have the right to make a Temporary Delegation of Parental Rights.
Schedule An Appointment
Minnesota Conservatorships
Adult Conservatorship
Has an adult family member lost the ability to make good financial decisions for himself or herself?
Did such family member fail to sign a power of attorney while he or she still had the capacity to do so?
If so, such family member may need to have a court appoint you as his or her conservator in a Minnesota conservatorship proceeding to empower you to administer such assets.
Conservatorship of a Minor
Do you have a minor child in your family who has become entitled to certain assets which the child is not allowed to access?
If so, such family member may need to have a court appoint you as his or her conservator in a Minnesota conservatorship proceeding to empower you to administer such assets.
Minnesota Guardianships Attorney

Gary C. Dahle - Attorney at Law
Attorney Gary C. Dahle has been helping clients with Minnesota guardianships and conservatorships since 1992 – in Anoka County, Hennepin County, Ramsey County, and Washington County, in the State of Minnesota.
Topics of Interest:
- Conservator’s Sale of Minnesota Real Property
- Minnesota Conservator Duties and Obligations
- Minnesota Conservator Powers – Statutory
- Minnesota Conservator(s)
- Minnesota Emergency Guardian
- Minnesota Guardian Annual Report | Minnesota Personal Well-Being Report
- Minnesota Guardian Background Study Requirement
- Minnesota Guardian Powers
- Minnesota Guardians of Minors
- Minnesota Guardianship Attorney – Gary C. Dahle – Minnesota Conservatorship Attorney
- Minnesota Judicial Appointment of Guardian(s)
- Minnesota Parental Appointment of Guardian
- Minnesota Temporary Guardian
Minnesota Guardianship and Conservatorship Links
Minnesota Conservatorships for Adults – https://dahlelaw.com/minnesota-conservatorships-adults/
Minnesota Guardianship and Conservatorship Statutes – Minors: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=524.5-101
Minnesota Guardianship and Conservatorship Statutes – Adults: https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=524.5-601
Pacer Center: http://www.pacer.org/
National Institute of Mental Health: https://www.nimh.nih.gov/index.shtml
The Alzheimer’s Foundation of America: https://alzfdn.org/